Office Location

6200 N. Shepherd Dr. Houston, TX 77091
Phone: (713) 692-8888
Fax: (713) 692-8888




It's easy to customize with your personalization in text, image, or both. Once you complete your customization, you can save or share your work with others or Add it to your Cart.

IMAGES - You can either upload your black/white line art images or utilize our growing library of stock images. Please remember that only black/white line art-style photos will work for laser etching and engraving purposes.

Please do not upload images restricted by copywriting, such as sports teams, cartoon characters, etc.

TEXT - You can have text only or combine text with your image. You can also have as many text areas as you like as long as they fit in the print area. We have an assortment of popular fonts for you to choose from. We are adding new fonts all the time. If there is a particular font you would like, please feel free to let us know.


I want to purchase it, but my logo image must be shown correctly. Can you fix it?


In most cases, yes, email the following;

1. Your high-resolution file or files

2. Your email address login name


Our email address is


We will make sure to convert your logo, if possible, to a compatible format. You will be notified via email when the image has been added to your "GALLERY" for use.

My image has several colors in it; will that be a problem?

Sometimes colors in a logo image will convert correctly, and sometimes not. For best results, your image should be black and white with the logo black and the background white.

What type of image files can I upload?

Vector is preferred, and any of the following vector scalable file extension types should work; *.eps, *.svg, and *.ai


If the vector is not available, the raster will also work. However, the file must be large and high resolution to offer the best sharpness possible.


Any of the following raster file extension types should work; *.jpg, *.bmp, *.png


PNG files are the most preferred raster image file format, especially on the web. PNG images can have a transparent background which means they can be placed over color backgrounds, unlike a JPEG images.

My logo is black and white, but there is a lot of different shading in certain areas.

Laser marking, in most cases, requires solid coverage. Your logo may need to be modified to give the best result. Could you send your logo to, and we will let you know what can be done?

Can I upload a photograph?

We do not offer laser engraving services on drinkware utilizing photographs.